Linking a world-wide coalition of scientists, advocates, and foundations dedicated to sustaining wild salmon.
Event Information
World Salmon Forum
21st-22nd-23rd August, 2019
Seattle, Washington, USA
Register for the Gala Dinner
Wild salmon populations in both the Atlantic and Pacific basins have declined dramatically over the last century and many populations are at imminent risk of extinction. The World Salmon Forum (WSF) brings together a coalition of scientists, advocates, and foundations dedicated to sustaining wild salmon. WSF will challenge the way in which salmon are managed and investigate the science required to underpin effective management.
The World Salmon Forum’s mission is to sustain wild Atlantic and Pacific salmon, seatrout, and steelhead populations for the future. Salmon diversity and abundance are a gift from the past through millions of years of evolution and adaptation. Our collective stewardship should ensure that wild salmon remain a legacy for future generations.
The World Salmon Forum is designed to bring together wild salmon conservation groups from around the world to share new policies and measures that will provide for the survival of these magnificent animals.
- The WSF event is pleased to be associated with the International Year of the Salmon in our mutual efforts to preserve wild salmon around the world.
- The WSF website will serve as a conduit and resource tool for WSF Coalition members and the public to share ideas and resources that can bring about positive change in wild salmon management and policy.
World Salmon Forum – Topics 2019
Aquaculture – Open water or land-based?
Harvest – Mixed Stock or Terminal – Nonselective or Selective?
Hatcheries – Problem or Solution?
Management – Status quo or New Place-based Conceptual Foundation?
Research – Likely Suspects Framework
International Year of the Salmon – Working together